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If we are able to harness sunlight, air, water and dirt to produce virtually any variety of protein quickly and efficiently, the possibilities are endless.
Renowned for its high nutritional value, spirulina is often referred to as a ‘superfood’ and is already widely available in powder and supplement form.
Richmond startup hopes spirulina algae is key to success of its new drink
I wanted to be self-sufficient. There had to be a way to grow my own food quickly. I started reading up on scientific studies, searching for the most efficient, quick-growing food source. I stumbled across spirulina on a space website.
Food: cheap and nutritious. Biotech was going to solve at least part of the bottom of Maslow’s pyramid.
Roth has estimated a global market of $14.5Bn for their spirulina based health food drink to market by 2019. Spira was already generating revenue before being accepted to IndieBio EU.
It won’t become mainstream until we figure out the flavor, but I see [algae] as a staple crop like kale was in the early 2000s.